Vol. 10, Issue 1, June 2014.



Vladimir Irhin1, Irina Irhina2, Olga Pol’schikova1, and Alexander Markov3
1Faculty of Physical Culture, Belgorod State National Research University ″BelSU″, Russian Federation
2Department of Pedagogy Russian Federation, Belgorod State National Research University ″BelSU″, Russian Federation
3Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Belgorod State National Research University ″BelSU″, Russian Federation

doi: 10.5550/sgia.141001.en.003I
UDC: 796.012:612.766



FULL TEXT (.pdf)

This work is devoted to the content and nature of educational kinesiology, it differs from the physical culture, sport and applied kinesiology. The study of the ancient thinkers of the relationship of human movement and its development scientists to the middle of XX century to the conclusion: the skillful use of this interdependence and contributes to the effectiveness of training and development of the whole person. In 60-th years of XX century Gudchard introduced into scientific use the concept ”applied kinesiology”, the subject of the research was the impact of motor actions on the physiological systems of the human body. Development in the second half of the XX century, biomechanics and psychology predetermined the emergence of sports kinesiology, studying the peculiarities of the techniques outstanding athletes. In the 70-80s of XX century began to develop educational kinesiology, based on the connection of the motor plastics and thinking process, education through the movement. Tools of educational kinesiology (speech movement, pantomime encoded speech and other) differ from the means of physical culture in their goals, direction, content, methods and results. When using kinesiological funds crossed the middle line of the body, several movements in a clear sequence with repetition and speed, or the motion is transmitted creative thinking and meaning of the speech. Currently ripe theoretical and practical prerequisites for the development of precise approach in education as a methodological basis of motor pedagogy.

Key words: applied kinesiology, content and essence, educational kinesiology, history of development, sports kinesiology, tools of educational kinesiology.


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