Guidelines for authors

Journal intention
SportLogia journal covers the areas of sports and physical education. It publishes once a year and publishes original scientific papers, reviewed scientific papers, scientific gathering presentations, short scientific articles and professional articles from the area of sports, physical education, recreation, kinesiology anthropology, training methods, sport biology and exercise, sport medicine, biomechanics,  sport  history  and  sport  management  as well as contributions from other sciences (medicine, sociology, psychology, philosophy, exact sciences and mathematics) applied in sports.

General remarks on papers

All manuscripts are  submitted to the journal’s editors, who, after reading the manuscripts, decide about the further procedure: (1) the manuscript is immediately sent for review; (2) if there are any objections and suggestions, the manuscript is sent back to the author for corrections; (3) rejection of the manuscript. The editor may decline the manuscript in the following cases: (1) the topic of the manuscript is not relevant; (2) a manuscript with a similar topic has already been published in the journal; (3) the manuscript does not conform to the standards of the journal. If the manuscript is not accepted, a short notice is sent to the author, but the manuscript is not sent back. The process of preliminary evaluation lasts up to 4 weeks.
If the author has corrected the text in accordance with the instructions from the editor, the manuscript is sent for review. In that case, the author will be given a form called Copyrights Declaration, which needs to be filled in and sent back to the editor. The signature of the author verifies the authenticity of the text, authorship and acceptance of the review procedure.
All articles must be reviewed. There will be two reviewers from the relevant scientific area for each article, and both reviews will be anonymous. The author's name will be unknown to the reviewers (double blind review). If a reviewer finds the article noncompliant with the criteria of the journal, the editorial will not accept the article. The review process lasts 8 to 12 weeks. If, on the other hand, the reviewers find the   article acceptable, it will be put in one of the following categories:
Original scientific paper is a first publication of original research results in a form that the research can be repeated, and the asserted facts verified. It is organized in accordance with the IMRAD scheme for experimental research or in a descriptive way for descriptive science areas.
Scientific work review is a review of papers on a specific topic, works of an individual researcher or a group of researchers whose aim is to summarize, analyze, evaluate or synthesize already published information. It brings new syntheses which also include results of author's own research.
Short scientific article is an original scientific article which may skip some elements of IMRAD. It concisely presents results of a completed own research or of an ongoing research.
Scientific gathering presentation is a comprehensive article that has previously been briefed to a scientific gathering, but it has not been published in its comprehensive form in the Paper Collection Book of the gathering.
Professional article is a review of something that is already known, with an emphasis on the usability of the results of the original research and the spread of knowledge. The complexity of the text is adjusted to the needs of the professional and scientific aspects of the journal.
After reviews have been done, the editorial board will analyze them. If needed, the paper is sent back to the author who must comply with the suggestions and objections made by the reviewers. Once they have redone the paper, the authors need to specifically describe, on a separate sheet of paper, how they have resolved the reviewer’s suggestions.
Only those papers that have been placed in one of the categories and which have two positive reviews will be published.

Text style and organization
Scientific articles must adhere to the IMRAD scheme (Introduction, Methods, Results and  Discussion).

The title page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (1) a concise, but informative title. Use of abbreviations is not encouraged; (2) the author’s names (do not include degrees); the last one is introduced by "&"; (3) the affiliation of the authors, town and state; (4) the name and address of the corresponding author (must include title, degree and position of the corresponding author, phone and fax numbers – zip code for the country and city, and email address).

Summary, large summary and key words
The summary should be brief and Self-explanatory. It should cover a general presentation of the topic (the purpose and the objective of the paper), results and conclusions. Authors should not use abbreviations.  The abstract should include 150-250 words. Authors from abroad write the large summary in their native languge (the summary has to be reviewed), and the authors whose native language is BCS write the mentioned summary in one of the official languages of the IOC Assembly (article 27 of Olympic Charter), except English. The translation should be made by relevant person.
Large summary should not exceed 1800 characters (up to tree pages of double spaced text), and should include title, keywords and summary text.
Three to six words, which are not part of the title, need to  be  singled  out.  The  Key  words  need  to  reflect  the contents of the paper.

This part of the paper ought to inform the reader of the issues dealt with in the research and the results of previous analyses. The purpose of the research should also be clearly stated in this part.

This part should consist of the following subtitles: entity sample, variables, procedures, tastings, statistical analysis.
Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must conform to international standards. Measurements of length,  height, weight and volume should  be given in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter).

The results should be presented as tables, graphs and pictures, possibly processed statistically and be concisely presented in the text.
Tables, graphs and pictures showing the results of individual analyses need to be indicated in the text for easier reader navigation.

The authors are expected here to comment on  the results and compare them with literature data. The discussion must be professional and correspond to experimental data. Practical implications are welcome.

Contains clearly stated scientific assertions, open issues and recommendations for further research.

Tables, graphs and pictures
Each table and any illustration (black and white only) must be submitted on a separate sheet of paper. Tables should be numbered in the order in which they occur in the text and referred to as, for example, "Table 1". Each table should be accompanied by a short title. Tables should be accompanied with interpretations (legends). It will also be deemed informative if the tables include indications of important correlations and relevant variables. Tables should be submitted separately
Illustrations, graphs and pictures shall be marked as "Figure 1". Photographs are sent in electronic form in a resolution not smaller than 300 dpi and in a .tif (figures) and .eps (graphics) format. Each figure needs to have a short title. In case that the figures are taken over from another paper, the title should not include the original name. In such a case, the source where the picture was taken from should be indicated under the picture.
If tables, graphs and pictures contain special symbols, or are prepared in a special program, they must be submitted in a separate file, with clearly indicated order of their inclusion in the text.

Article technical form
Articles are written and published in Latin alphabet, and, when needed, in other alphabets, in the Serbian language (ijekavica dialect) and the English language. Any deviation from this need to be agreed with the editorial board in advance. If author's native language is not Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian their papers will be translated by editorial board. When translating the paper authors are suggested to engage someone whose native language is English.
Texts are to be written in Microsoft Word Windows program, on A4 paper format. Text is to be written in the Times New Roman font, size 12 pt in 1.5 spacing, aligned on both sides, with a 1 tub denting of the first row of a paragraph, with 2.5 cm paper margins. If it is necessary to indicate a word or a sentence in the text, use the italic. Text size should conform to 15 pages. The editorial board may accept a bit longer papers, but it will seldom do so.
Articles and abstracts should be written in the third person, neutrally, adhering to a good style and defined linguistic norms.

The journal uses the Harvard reference system - APA standards for referencing literature.
Sending papers

The manuscripts are received on e-mail address: