Vol. 9, Issue 2, December 2013.




Sretenka Dugalić1
College of Sport and Health, Belgrade, Serbia


doi: 10.5550/sgia.130902.en.002D
COBISS.RS-ID 4123416
UDC: 796.062:005  



FULL TEXT (.pdf)

This paper presents an exemplar of how network planning technique can be applied within sport management. Sporting events involve a very large number of participants (excluding the audience, sponsors and members of the media, the Olympic Games often encounter over 10,500 participants). Because some sporting events last several days, constantly being updated, it is possible to use prior experience. However, considering that sport managers often have the task of preparing and organizing sporting events that take place in a relatively short period of time, the specifications required are primarily limited by time resources.
The aim is therefore to provide assistance to and share experiences with potential users and the organizers of sporting events by emphasizing the importance of network planning techniques to the management of sport, which itself needs to have a greater application within sport management to increase organizational resources, and possibly, contribute to the saving of other resources, particularly money, people and equipment.

The examples of network planning techniques (Critical Path Method - CPM, Program Evolution and Review Technique - PERT) shown in this paper are the result of the author’s many years of experience with their practical application and implementation, and aspirations to see, as much as possible, contemporary theoretical achievements find their place within sports management. In this way, the field of management and business are themselves affirmed, creating the basis for further developments within the sporting events discipline, whilst contributing to the formation of new ideas, and improving sporting systems and institutions



Key words: CPM method, manegement of sporting events, network planning techniques.



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