Vol. 8, Issue 2, Decembar 2012.
Vjekoslav Cigrovski1, Igor Božić2, and Nikola Prlenda1
1Faculty of kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
doi: 10.5550/sgia.120802.en.108C
The research determined influence of motor abilities on alpine ski learning. Moreover, the aim was also to estimate the contribution of some morphological characteristics to acquisition of ski knowledge. At the beginning of the study, participants were tested by tests evaluating balance, agility, explosive and static strength, movement frequency and flexibility. After evaluation of motor abilities, basic morphological characteristics were noted and then participants entered a seven days alpine ski course. Acquired alpine ski knowledge was assessed through demonstration of seven elements of alpine ski technique, by five independent judges. Data analysis showed positive influence of agility on all tested elements of alpine ski technique (traversing, β = .38; β = .26; uphill turn, β = .33; β = .23; basic turn, β = .18; parallel turn, β = .32; short turn, β = .34). Subjects’ results in squat endurance test assessing the static leg strength contribute to learning uphill turn (β = .19), basic turn (β = .35) and parallel turn (β = .27). Test used to measure balance (single leg balance test) significantly influences learning of basic elements of alpine ski technique (traversing right, β = .23; traversing left, β = .28; uphill turn to the left, β = .24). Body height has a negative effect on alpine ski learning (β = -0.5), indicating that taller ski beginners tend to have more difficulties during alpine ski learning than shorter alpine ski beginners. According to our results, agility, static leg strength and balance are the motor abilities with the greatest influence on beginners’ alpine ski learning
Key words: alpine skiing, learning, motor abilities, morphological characteristics.
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