Vol. 7, Issue 1, Jun 2011.



Lukić Adriana1, Bijelić Snežana1, Zagorc Meta2 and Zuhrić-Šebić Lejla3
1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia

3 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


doi: 10.5550/sgia.110701.en.061L
COBISS.BH-ID: 2102808
UDC: 793.3:796


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Strength is a motor ability that largely determines the features of a move. In the area of conventional sports, that is the very facet that serves as the basis for its importance, which is corroborated by several studies. In sport dance, it is usually demonstrated in the form of repetitive and explosive strength and in the function of introducing nuances in the dynamics of dance performance. How big the importance of some manifestations of strength for the quality of Latin-American and Ballroom dances performance as sport dance disciplines is, is the topic that this paper deals with. The research included 49 sport dancers of both genders, age 12-15. The results of the research point out to the fact that there are different approaches in validation of the contribution of strength for the quality and performance of Latin-American and Ballroom dance. Namely, strength as a motoric ability has statistically significant effects on the quality of Latin-American performance technique, while in Ball-room dances it does not appear to be statistically significant. The obtained differences in the significance of the contribution in the observed dance disciplines are, for sure, a confirmation of the necessity to have an individual approach in planning and programming of training process, particularly for Ball-room and Latin-American dances.


Key words: strength, influence, sport dance.



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