Vol. 17, Issue 1, december 2021.



1Željko M. Rajković, 1Darko N. Mitrović, 1Vladimir K. Miletić & 2Petar M. Spaić
1Faculty of Sports and Physical EducationUniversity of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
2Elementary school “Gavrilo Princip“, Zemun, Serbia




Modern diagnostics in rowing enables more and more possibilities for recording, and comparing numerous stroke variables. At the same time, many coaches fall into the trap of strict respect for the prescribed norms, ratios, and temporarily results, which the athlete must achieve if he wants to stay in the world of competitive rowing. On the example of the comparison of rowing schools RC "Danubius" and RC "Partizan", descriptive indicators are on the side of RC "Danubius" at a time of 2000m, average force and average power. No significant differences were found in average force (sig = 0,167) between rowers of RC "Danubius" and RC "Partizan", while statistically significant differences were recorded in time at 2000m (sig = 0,036) and power (sig = 0,02) in favor of rowers of RC “Danubius”. On the other hand, a higher correlation of average force (-0,955) and power (-0,928) with time on 2000m was achieved by RC "Partizan" than RC "Danubius" (-0,931) and (-0,896). The correlation between the average force, and the average power within one team shows a higher correlation for RC “Partizan" (0,95) compared to RC "Danubius" (0,755). The obtained results are not enough for single rower or crew elimination from competition to recreational section in the process of too frequent and strict selection of rowers, considering different possible ways of building rowing techniques and numerous parasitic factors that may affect measured variables, specialy at the age under 14 and novice rowers in general.

Key words:rowing, rowing ergometer, speed, force, power.

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To cite this article:
Rajković, Ž., Mitrović, D., Miletić, V., & Spaić, P. (2021). Kinetic indicators of training methods and selection of young rowers. Sportlogia, 17 (1), 13-24.


Received:: 13.08.2021.
Approved: 27.09.2021.

Associate Professor Željko Rajković, PhD,
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education,
Blagoja Parovića 156, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 65 2009 026,