Vol. 15, Issue 1, december 2019.




Vladimir Pokrajčić1, Ivana Čerkez Zovko1 & Martina Rezić1
1Faculty of  Science and Education University of  Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Original scientific paper
doi: 10.5550/sgia.191501.en.pzr
UDK: 796.433.2



Javelin throw is a complex athletic discipline that requires several years of training to master a throw technique. Since teachers are time-limited, problem accruing in the teaching is how to train students to proper javelin throw technique as quickly as possible. Given that it is difficult to master a javelin as prop, research has been conducted to determine efficiency of vortex application as auxiliary prop  in javelin throw technique training. The total number of respondents were  30 students of the first year of undergraduate Kinesiology study at University of Mostar in academic year 2016/2017. The initial measurement was made at the beginning of the classes. During the classes general exercises were used as well as vortex application as auxiliary prop in throw technique training. The final measurement and evaluation of javelin throw technique was made by three referees at the end of classes. Statistically significant difference between the initial (31,1m) and final (33,9) measurement was obtained by using the T-test  . Results show that students have improved an average score in the final comparing to the initial measurement and based on obtained results it can be concluded that use of vortex has a positive effect on javelin throw training for beginners and it would be beneficial to include the prop in teaching when training students as well as younger children.

Key words: javelin throw, vortex, students, throwing technique, performance evaluation methods

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To cite this article:

Pokrajčić, V., Zovko, Č. I., & Rezić, M. Application of vortex as auxiliary prop in javelin throw technique training at kinesiology students. Sportlogia 15(1), 73-80.


Received: 25.10.2019.
Approved: 05.11.2019.

Vladimir Pokrajčić
Faculty of Science and Education University of Mostar,
Bosnia and Herzegovina