Vol. 15, Issue 1, december 2019.



Mariia Roztorhui1, Alina  Perederiy1, Yuriy Briskin1, Khrystyna Khimenes1 & Olexandr Tovstonoh1
1Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine

Original scientific article                                         
doi: 10.5550/sgia.191501.en.rpbkt
UDC: 796.015.1-056.6



The analyses of existent scientific knowledge of taking into account level of vision loss at the construction of sportsmen’s preparation in adaptive sport testifies about lack of information on the extent of adaptive sports training impact on the level of physical preparedness of people of visual impairment. The aim of the research is to determine the influence degree of adaptive sports training on the physical preparedness of people with visual impairments. Theoretical analysis, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, mathematical and statistical methods were applied. 34 people with visual impairments took part in our research. It has been established that the level of vision loss of people with visual impairment affects  the indicators of physical preparedness. There were found significant differences in the level of speed development, flexibility and coordination the blind in comparison with indicators of people with severe visual impairment, and people with moderate visual impairment before and after experiment. As a result of the experiment, there was a significant increase in the indicators of all tests for people with visual impairment. It’s indicating the positive impact of adaptive sports training on their physical preparedness. The obtained results indicate that there is a relationship between the level of vision loss of people with visual impairment and the impact of adaptive sports training on their physical preparedness.

Key words:blind, adaptive sports, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility.

FULL TEXT (.pdf)


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To cite this article:

Roztorhui, M., Perederiy, A., Briskin, Y., Khimenes, K., & Tovstonoh, O. (2019). Enhancement of physical preparedness of athletes with visual impairments by adaptive sports. Sportlogia, 15 (1), 25-35.



Received:  26.03.2019.
Approved: 20.09.2019.

Mariia Roztorhui
Candidate of Sciences,
Doctoral Candidate of Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, Kostiushko Str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79000,
Fax.: (032)255-32-08;
Tel: +380502658520,