Vol. 14, Issue 1, June 2018.



Violeta Šiljak1, Dejan Đurović2, Rade Stefanović3 & Branimir Mekić3
1Faculty of sport and physical education, University of Belgrade
2Faculty of management in sport, Alfa BK University of Belgrade
3Faculty of sport and physical education Leposavić, University of Priština

Review paper
UDC: 796.032(497.11+497.16)



The subject of this research refers to development of management in sport throughout history of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee. Analysis of the work of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee and presentation of their structures, cooperation with international and national sports organisations, ways of encouragement of the world-class professional sport development, different in their duration but with common interweaving activities, definitely represented a research challenge. A very specific challenge is a comon poliical past hence social patterns that are characterisitic for both states. These paterns are still very present in everyday political life which indirectly influences the work of majority of national bodies includin olympic committees thus their organization and proper functioning. A very specific challenge is a common political past hence social patterns that are characteristics for both states. These patterns are still very present in everyday political life which indirectly influences the work of majority of national bodies including Olympic committees thus their organization and proper functioning. The aim of this research was to determine the importance of work of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee from the aspect of management. Development of management in sports throughout history on examples of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee was defined by this scientific research. Its results point to the fact that degree of development of management in sports of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee was conditioned by length of their membrship in the International Olympic Committee. Besides this, it was confirmed that the influence of technological, economic and political challenges for management of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee were the same; that carrying out the Olympic movement projects of different scopes as well as propagation of the Olympic values were equally present in the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee. Importance of the research is reflected in academic and scientific perspective of work of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee. This survey will help future experts in sports organizations to apply their management in sport models successfully in their sports organizations.

Key words:history, management, National Olympic Committees, Serbia, Montenegro.

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To cite this article:
Šiljak, V., Đurović, D., Stefanović, R., & Mekić, B. (2018). Development of sports management in Serbia and Montenegro through the history of the Olympic committees of their countries. Sportlogia, 14(1), 12-27.doi:10.5550/sgia.181401.en.sdsm

Received: 22.03.2018.
Accepted: 20.06.2018.

Correspondence Author:
Violeta Šiljak
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Blagoja Parovića 156
11030 Beograd, Srbija